понеделник, 14 септември 2020 г.

Летище Дарин -Darren Airport

Летище Дарин е най-старото и първо летище в историята на Саудитска Арабия, и  първото летище в Арабския залив след летище Манама в Бахрейн.
Няма точна дата кога  е изградено летището, но е вероятно, че летището е създадено през 1329/1911-1912 по време на Първата световна война.

Самолет седмично Е  кацал на летището  Дарин идвайки  от летище Barbya , намиращо се в Манама.
 То престава да функционира през 1932 г. и е изоставено през 1939 г.  останал е  само склада за гориво, който е изолиран от сградата и амфитеатъра, който е на 600 метра от брега.
Останки от  летището са   последната стая без надзор зад ограда и една чиния.

Darren Airport, which according to British documents is called the Najdi Hijazi Air Force on Darren Island

 and Darin Air Station, is an archaeological and historic airport, located in Darin, southwest of Darin Island in Qatif province in eastern Saudi Arabia.
There is no exact date of the time the airport was built,
but it is likely that the airport was established in
1329/1911-1912 during World War I.
 Darren Airport is the oldest and first airport in The History of Saudi Arabia

and the first airport in the Arabian Gulf after Manama Airport in Bahrain

 and a weekly plane landed at Darin Airport from The Barbya Airport in Manama.

 It ceased to function in 1932 and was abandoned in 1939

 leaving only the fuel depot room, which is isolated from the building and the amphitheater, which was 600 metres from the seacoast.
The last chamber was left unattended from behind a fence and an identification plate, which threatened to collapse historians and historical researchers to demands to be restored and opened to visitors

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