петък, 18 септември 2020 г.

Al Qarah mountain is a major landmark in Al-Ahsa

Al-Qarah or Al-Garah  is a village in Al-Ahsa in Saudi Arabia.
 Al-Qarah is well known for its small mountain Jabl Al-Qarah.
 Al-Qarah is one of Al-Ahsa's eastern villages and is located about 10 km from Al-Hofuf, city center,
140 km Southwest of Dammam and 300 km East of Riyadh
Jabl Al-Qarah which means mountain of Al-Qarah  is a mesa that stands about 75 metres (246 ft) high,
 with a maximum elevation of 225 meter above sea level.
 It has many caves with very cool air inside.
 Unlike many caves, these were formed by subaerial weathering rather than dissolution, and as a result have a highly distinctive shape.
The mountain attracts many people especially from nearby villages, and has been targeted for additional tourist development.
 Although there are no other hills for a considerable distanceJabl Al-Qarah is an outlier of the larger Shedgum Plateau
The caves, which include 28 tall linear passageways totaling 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) in length, have long been a site of commerce.
 Some caves of Jabl Al-Garah have traditionally been the site of the workshops of local traditional potters, who are known for the quality of their wares.

A plaque about the mountain and a parking lot near the main access trail is at
25.411509°N 49.692755°E.

Al Qarah mountain is a major landmark in Al-Ahsa,
 which is 15km away from the city of Al-Hofuf.
 It has many caves with very cool air inside.
 Unlike many Caves, these were formed by subaerial weathering rather than dissolution, and as a result, have a highly distinctive shape.
The caves there, which radiate heat in the winter and remain cool in the summer, are what make Al Qara a unique natural site.
 The caves, which include 28 tall linear passageways.
Lighting and staircases have been installed inside so it’s not as scary as it used to be.
The Qara Mountain has many rock cracks that are beautifully clustered.
One of the advantages of the mountain is its smooth slope, which makes it easy to climb and get a panoramic view of the magnificent agricultural oasis below it.
 A plaque about the mountain and a parking lot near the main access trail is at
 25.411509°N 49.692755°E.
 Nearest Airport:
Al-Ahsa Airport, Hofuf
 (Around 32 KM from Al Qarah mountain).

Al Qarah mountain е основна забележителност в Al-Ahsa,
което е на 15 км от град Hofuf.
В нея има много пещери с много хладен въздух.
За разлика от много пещери, те са били образувани по-скоро от субаерично изветряване, отколкото от разтваряне и в резултат на това имат силно отличителна форма.
Пещерите там, които излъчват топлина през зимата и остават хладни през лятото, са това,
което правиAl Qarah  уникален природен обект.
Пещерите, които включват 28 високи линейни коридора.
Осветлението и стълбищата са инсталирани вътре, така че не е толкова страшно, както преди.
Al Qarah mountain има много скални пукнатини, които са красиво групирани.
Едно от предимствата на планината е нейният плавен наклон, което улеснява изкачването и получаването на панорамна гледка към великолепния селскостопански оазис под нея.
Табела около планината и паркинг в близост до главната пътека за достъп е при 25.411509 ° С 49.692755 ° И.
Най-близко летище:
Летище Ал-Ахса, Хофуф
(Около 32 км от  Al Qarah mountain ).

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