сряда, 18 ноември 2020 г.

Raida forts Abha Aseer region

Raida forts, a history written in gold water, in which Prince Muhammad bin Ayed and his men wore out the affliction of the brave kings before the Turks betrayed him. It was said that the Turks found him among the dead while he held the handle of the sword in his hand.
With a long poem in it Arrows of treachery struck Muhammad ... and his brothers, so God made us happy How many have they become between an expatriate that passed ... and another in a war that threatens oppression And they were kings, a crown of pride and assurance ... and a refuge for the sufferer if the matter was narrow We ask God to grant him mercy and for all Muslims

 .حصون ريدة تاريخ يكتب بماء الذهب ابلى فيها الامير محمد بن عائض ورجاله بلاء الملوك  الشجعان قبل ان يغدر به الاتراك قيل وجدوه الاتراك بين القتلى وهو ماسك  مقبض السيف بيده  وقد خاطبه القائد التركي بهذه الكلمات "عشت كريما ومت كريما"   وقد رثاه احد الشعراء بقصيدة طويلة فيها 

اصابت سهام الغدر منا محمدا..... واخوته فاعتاضنا الله بالخير

وكم اصبحوا مابين مغترب مضى.....واخر في حرب يهدد بالقهر

وكانوا ملوكا تاج فخر وسؤدد.....وملجأ للعاني  اذا ضاق بالامر

نسأل الله له الرحمة ولجميع المسلمين

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