четвъртък, 18 февруари 2021 г.

Al-Azlem Castle

 It is located 40 km south of the city of Duba, and it is known at the present time as Al-Aznim, and it is mentioned in the sources by the name Al-Azm, which is the correct name for the place, and Al-Azal is an important station on the Egyptian coastal pilgrimage route, and a castle was built in it during the era of the Mamluk Sultan Muhammad bin Qalawun, then it was renewed During the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Qansuh al-Ghawri in the year 916 AH by Khashqadam al-Khazen, as indicated by an inscription that was installed on the front of the entrance, then removed from its place and lost, and the 
Al-Azal Citadel has a square shape, the length of its side from the outside is 90/39 m, and the height of its walls is 7 m on average It was topped by stone balconies, and the castle was built of trimmed limestone and had an entrance opening on its northeast side leading to a courtyard onto which all the internal units consisting of rooms on the northwest and southeast ribs were opened, covered with semicircular vaults,and a large iwan consisting of three pews and roofed with vaults Intersecting on the southwestern side, the castle has four towers formed on the inside of two levels: 
the floor is roofed with a shallow dome, and the upper one has an octagonal shape.
 Al-Azlem Castle is crumbling at the present time, and next to it there were two wells folded and they were buried at the present time.

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