четвъртък, 18 февруари 2021 г.

Ain Zubayda

 Located close to the Haram al-Sharif in Makkah, Ain Zubayda spring provides between 30 and 40 million gallons of water from groundwater wells, on an area of approximately 17km2. The revitalization of Ain

Zubayda cost SAR 69 million and was paid for by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. There is a museum specific to the spring adjacent, as well as a garrison. 

Ain Zubayda was a charitable project undertaken by Zubaydah, Harun al-Rashid’s wife in the Abbasid period.

One of the most important historic sites in the Holy City and still existed since thousands of years to this day. 

Ain Zubaida archaeological site which extends from the high mountains of AlKr from Numan Valley near Taif until it ends in Mecca, Ain Zubaida had a significant impact in watering the people of Mecca and the pilgrims.

 The person who ordered for this project to be done was Zubaida Bint Ja’far ibn Mansur, the wife of the caliph

 Harun al-Rashid when she saw the need of Mecca and the pilgrims to water, despite the lack of skilled qualified Engineers and trained potential hands, but Mrs. Zubaida managed for the gigantic project with men dedicated to finish it through advanced technical methods and withdrawal water through long distance, which extends for thousands of kilometers and across the hills, mountains, valleys and deserts through channels and pumps with ease until it reaches the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

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