вторник, 19 януари 2021 г.

Frequent Queries Answered:Masjid Al Haram for Umrah


Frequent Queries Answered:

1. Children under the age of 18 years are not allowed to enter Masjid Al Haram for Umrah or prayers as of now

2. There is no permit required to pray in Masjid Al Nabawi except for prayers in the Rawdah and visit to Bab As Salam.

3. International Umrah has resumed and a trip can be booked through a approved agency only in the country of origin. (contact the relevant authority in your country for eligibility)

4. There is no condition of having a vaccine for Covid-19 before travel for Umrah as of now. 

5. The policy regarding Ramadan or Hajj this year has not yet been announced by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah

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